PAWS P = Personal Best A = Act Responsibly W = Work/Play Safe S = Show Respect

Dear Parents/Guardians of Centennial Kids - 

At Centennial, we have adopted a system of teaching, modeling, and reinforcing positive behavior in all areas at school.  We call it being PAWSitive.   Expectations of PAWSitive behavior is being acknowledged and rewarded on a daily and weekly basis with compliments, noticing when students are doing great things, and "caught being good" slips that are put in a drawing for students to win fun prizes. This has been a big hit over the past couple of years.

Today students in 3rd - 6th grade attended an assembly to showcase PAWS while also talking about what we do when things do not always go right, specifically talking about when students see or are impacted by bullying-type behavior, have their own struggles, or just need some support.

I have attached the slide presentation that I did with students today for you to look at.

PAWSitive Behavior Assembly

The key parts are that we want all students to feel comfortable to report when things they see things that are not going well or they need support with anything.

There are several ways any student can make a report:

  • 1) Tell an adult in person

  • 2) Email the teacher, Dean, or Principal

  • 3) Fill out a Comment Card (available in classrooms or in the office)

  • 4) Use the STOPit App to report needs or incidents.  This can be done 24/7 and can be anonymous.  I have attached a separate letter that explains this new way for students, staff, or parents/guardians to report concerns.  STOPit Letter  Notifications are sent immediately to the administration and District level staff so that a timely response may be given.  

STOPit is available as a link from the Centennial and District websites, on students' Clever Accounts, or as a free app.

I hope that you find this information helpful to know that we want all Cubs to feel safe and secure here at school and know that we are always working together to be PAWSitive!

Mrs. Tindell